Valley of Bridgeport Members Only Events
02/02/23 Thursday 7:30 pm 4th Degree (video) & 28th Degree (TNR Livestream).
A world premiere of the Valley of Bridgeport’s 28th degree featured on Supreme Council’s, Thursday Nite at the Rite.
New Candidates must fill out an online petition (click here) the day before on 02/01/23.
New Candidate check-in is at 7:00 pm
02/06/23 Monday 7:30 pm 4th Degree (video) & 10th Degree (live)
New Candidates must fill out an online petition (click here) by 5:00 pm
New Candidate check-in is at 6:30 pm,
Dinner will proceed the degree and times will be announced closer to degrees as Covid restrictions dictate.
02/27/23 Monday 7:30 pm 23rd Degree (live) & 31st Degree (video)
New Candidates must fill out an online petition (click here) by 5:00 pm
New Candidate check-in is at 6:30 pm. 4th Degree will be shown for those who need it at 7:00 pm.
Dinner will proceed the degree and times will be announced closer to degrees as Covid restrictions dictate.
03/20/23 Monday 7:30 pm IN NEW HAVEN 4th Degree (live NH) & 20th Degree (live BPT)
New Candidates must fill out an online petition (click here) by 5:00 pm
New Candidate check-in is at 6:30 pm. 4th Degree will be shown for those who need it at 7:00 pm.
Dinner will proceed the degree and times will be announced closer to degrees as Covid restrictions dictate.
04/10/23 Monday 7:30 pm 27th Degree (live) & 19th Degree (video)
New Candidates must fill out an online petition (click here) by 5:00 pm
New Candidate check-in is at 6:30 pm. The 4th Degree will be shown for those who need it at 7:00 pm
Dinner will proceed the degree and times will be announced closer to degrees as Covid restrictions dictate.
05/01/23 32nd Degree live!
Candidates register now to receive your 32nd. To be eligible you MUST see the 4th Degree and any three other Degrees.
Candidates must be at the theatre no later than 7:oopm in Tie and Jacket.
Dinner will proceed the degree and time will be announced closer to the degrees as Covid restrictions dictate.